Ya Allah Ya Latif... Jauhkanlah hati kami diliputi titik-titik maksiat.. Selamatkanlah maruah kami dari bibir-bibir fitnah.. Lindungilah ketidaksamaan kami dari mata-mata nafsu.. Letakkanlah dunia ditangan kami.. Bukan dihati kami...
None has the right to be worshipped but He, the Ever Living, the One Who
sustains and protecs all the exists. It is Who has sent down the Book (Al
Quran) to you with the truth, confirming what came before it, and He sent
down the Taurat (Torah) & the Injil (Gospel)."(Surah Ali
Imran: 2-3) "And We have
sent down to you the Book (Al Quran)as an exposition of everything,
have submitted themselves (to Allah as Muslims)." (Surah
an-Nahl: 89)
ana akhukum fil Islam..MohD hAmDaN-25 tHn-asal dr parit buntar,perak-tInGgAl di BUmI Allah Nan SemEnTara - aDa 9 berAdIk-aNaK kE-4,hObI MeLukIs-BeRmUla TaDikA IsLam PerAk-sambung ke Sek.Keb Pmtg.TOk MaHat-terus Ke Ma'AhaD MaHmuD-aMbIk STAM-sAmbUnG ke MuLtiMedIa UniVerSitY-BaCheLor Of AcCouNtiNG-done my TraInInG @t KPMG,DaManSarA--cOnVo oN 9th of august 2009,sekarang berkhidmat di Telekom Malaysia - dalam proses menyempurnakan master's degree,a.k.a,Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) di INCEIF
kenapa nickname "al-kandahlawi"? - sempena nama seorang Ulama' besar : Maulana Zakariyya Al-Kandahlawi Rahimahullahu Ta'ala,pengarang kitab Fadhailul 'amal.
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