


Facts About Lies

Lying is the number one reason that people lose

The most common reason that people lie is to avoid confrontation. Getting in trouble is never fun
but lying to avoid it is always a "band-aid" solution.When the truth comes out the confrontation is
guaranteed to be even more unpleasant than it would have been without the lie. A lie compounds
the problem, it doesn't solve it.

Another common reason people lie is to make themselves seem "better" or more interesting. This
sort of lying can be a sign of low self esteem,problems at home, or depression.

Lies are like dominos - one lie can knock outwhole relationships, destroy entire aspects of your
life or even limit your future in unforeseeable ways.Lies are a gamble. Every time you lie you gamble
with being caught.

Lies have a way of getting out and coming back to haunt you.

The worst lies are the ones you tell yourself. When you lie to others you are also lying to yourself.
Chronic lying can signal a psychiatric or social disorder. If you find yourself "lying for no reason" or
to cover up behavior that you know is harmful consider seeking professional help.

Lies can damage your self image and cause inner conflicts (like dissonance) that drastically change
the way you view, and act upon, the world and other people.